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Our first 10 sales in 7 days! Hooooray!

Posted by Filip Mravic - December 10, 2016

Yes, yes, yes.. you’ve read right..!

Our first 10 sales, with only one theme, within only 7 days…

From all of us here, at, we’re so grateful for the support and cheers you’ve gave us. One week after our theme was published, we have already met some new amazing people ( customers, other authors.. etc ) and this surely seems like an epic start to an amazing JOURNEY ahead!

PixieHype as theme, served only as a purpose for smaller teams/organizations, so we didn’t expect many sales to come as well as it’s our FIRST theme on but with a little help from our friends at Envato, we had a little push when they gave us the TRENDING BADGE! Yes, you heard it right. The trending badge, sounds dope right? Oh yeah, to flex a little bit more off, we’ve earned the Author Level 2 Badge.. This week.. truly an adrenaline rush!

Well to sum everything up, we here at, will continue to work even harder now, TWO news themes are in the works as we speak.. both are mind blowers! Stay tuned on our social media for more updates!

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